Keynotes replay

The 5 keynotes have been recorded. If you want to replay the keynotes, you can follow the link to the ECM2023 channel on the WebTV INSA Rouen website or directly by clicking on the dedicated thumbnails:

Slide1.jpeg Slide2.jpeg Slide3.jpeg Slide4.jpeg Slide5.png




The ECM2023 Proceedings are now available!

To download all the full-text articles of the conference, click here.


ECM2023 group photo

Here is the group picture taken during the conference [click on the picture for full resolution]:


Welcome !

The French Section of the Combustion Institute is organising the 11th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2023), that will take place between April 26 and 28, 2023 in Rouen, France.

ECM is a forum for knowledge transfer in the field of combustion and related scientific and technological disciplines between academic researchers, graduate students and combustion professionals, aiming ultimately to promote combustion research in Europe

During the 3 days of the forum, 5 plenary lectures and poster sessions will cover the most advanced topics of combustion. The poster presentations will provide an excellent opportunity to obtain an uptodate view of the current research trends.

ECM 2023 provides the opportunity for the academic and industrial combustion experts to meet and have discussions on all areas of combustion, particularly those related to the following topics:


  • Basic physical and chemical aspects of traditional and new fuel sources
  • Reaction kinetics of combustion
  • Laminar and turbulent flames
  • Combustion emissions, pollutants, soot and particulates
  • Combustion of solid fuels
  • Droplet and spray combustion
  • Combustion in internal combustion engines and gas turbines
  • Oxy-combustion
  • Stationary combustion systems and environmental impact
  • Detonations, fires and explosions
  • Combustion diagnostics
  • New concepts in combustion technology


The ECM 2023 will follow the tradition and the format established by the previous ECM meetings:

The ECM 2023 will gather together 500+ participants from 40+ countries.

The organizers hope that ECM 2023 will be a memorable event for all the participants.


visuel tableaux


ECM2023 web app

The ECM2023 web application can be obtained via this QR code:


or at this adress:

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