WorkshopsTuesday 25th April 2023 (day before ECM23), 4 workshops are organized at the same location as the ECM23 conference. If you are interested in any of the workshops, we invite you to contact the workshop organizer via the given link.
Workshop #1: Recent advances in flame acceleration, detonation onset & detonation propagation
Organiser: Josué Melguizo-Gavilanes, P’ laboratory (France) Link: https://pprime.fr/equipe-deto-workshop-at-the-11th-european-combustion-meeting-ecm23/?cn-reloaded=1
Workshop #2: Industrial scales : numerics & experimental difficultiesOrganisers: David Honoré & Sébastien Caillat, IFRIF (France & UK) Link: https://ifrf.net/events/ifrf-workshop-at-the-11th-european-combustion-meeting/
Workshop #3: Discrete kinetic methods for combustion simulationOrganiser: Seyed Ali Hosseini, ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Univ. Magdegurg (Germany) & Ilya Karlin, ETH Zurich (Switzeland) Link: https://www.hosseiniabhari.com/events
Workshop #4: Modeling and simulation of particle formation in turbulent flowsOrganisers: Luis Cifuentes, Univ. Duisburg-Essen (Germany) & Dominique Thévenin, Univ. Magdeburg (Germany) & Benedetta Franzelli, CNRS-EM2C (France) Link: https://em2c.centralesupelec.fr/mspftf |